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The Himalayan Company: Transforming ideas into existence

From software development to marketing,  a smooth operation for brands across the globe, the successful rollout of The Himalayan Company’s output generation platform piqued the curiosity of people from all over the world. A platform with harmonious endeavour has enabled many clients to adequately build their business the no-hassle way. It is by virtue of our professional teams and aesthetic interface. The developments are curated by vetted professionals with relevant work experience. It makes a relevant and valuable user-centric experience and fosters solutions.

How The Himalayan Company connected vetted professional experience with the innovative clients?

How The Himalayan Company connected vetted professional experience with the innovative clients?

The software and mobile app use is dominating the entire world mass today so people having any relevant innovative and entrepreneurship ideas. It also need to have a user-friendly application to launch their ideas on a global domain.  The Himalayan Company facilitates clients by allowing their ideas to interface with our vetted developers, designers, marketing experts and project managers. We offer different types of service needs from short gigs to month-long developments as per the client’s needs. This short gig approach is for establishing a bondage-free relationship with passion and understanding.

Our Short gigs are available for 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months. There are different services available in all of them as per the requirement of the clients.

The 3 days Gigs:- focuses on developing  strategic content and copywriting with a quick turnaround for creating technology blog, product description, case study, promo video transcript, Linkedin profile and social media posts. We also put the involvement of technology features like wordpress edits, landing pages, tracking pixel setup, logo design which brings responsive web layouts. 

The 3 week Gigs:- we plan marketing strategy and copywriting to develop website content, white papers and email marketing. The implementation of technologies like wordpress, shopify stores, analytics setup and UI/UX design. 

The 3 months Gigs:- is an extensive development period where our vetted pros with top skills work. A deep domain concentration is applied on project management, technical audits, strategic consulting. With technological developments like website, android app, IOS app, E commerce, app clone and design refactoring. 

Our most popular services include advancing business applications and strategy, setting up MVP prototyping. These are exercised by our vetted professionals and dedicated representatives. We have technology professionals in app development domains like FULL Stack, MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, Mobile Development. They bring out the client needs on web domain. 

The company’s official blog offers consistent industry insights and guidance to start ups and small businesses, recruiters, employers, and employees alike. Tips on how to navigate and utilize The Himalayan Company advantageously, incumbent digital advice, and industry-specific data are just some examples of what The Himalayan Company’s now burgeoning blogosphere has to offer.