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The changing face of IT support in the Upcoming year

The Information Technology department is undergoing a phenomenal transformation when it comes to reshaping its landscape. With technology becoming a vital part of the industry’s developmental path, if we look ahead at the upcoming year, there are still multiple trends and advancements in technology that are going to have a great impact on the IT sector which is undergoing continuous transformation. 

So, let’s explore some points highlighting the upcoming changes in the face of IT support through this article.

❑ Rise in remote work : The rise in remote work after the pandemic has been considered to be a great change in the working business environment. Thus, there’s a big change happening in the IT support sector, i.e., the rise in remote work. Here, instead of having IT people come to the office to work on something or to fix problems, they can actually work from a distance and provide the same level of support and services. Special technology is used in this case to connect to computers or devices in order to deal with multiple issues remotely. This particular change in the IT sector is making the IT support more convenient without being physically present and is leading to flexibility and efficiency in operations.

❑ Virtual IT support : The rise in virtual IT support can be considered to be a crucial aspect when it comes to the changing support of the IT sector. With the help of virtual IT support, assistance can be received through various channels like chat, video calls, screen sharing, etc. because virtual IT support is all about using technology and remote assistance in order to deal with the issues without any need of physical presence. This change has actually provided a greater level of convenience and cost effectiveness in the transforming process of the IT sector.

❑ Automation and artificial intelligence : In the changing face of IT support, AI and automation are playing a vital role. Automation means using technology to automate repetitive tasks and making things easier and faster whereas AI can be considered to be a smart computer that can actually learn, think and work like humans. The automation in the tasks can reduce the overall manual intervention in the repetitive tasks and processes which can cut down the chances of errors and AI can provide features like proper maintenance and instant support in answering common queries. The integration of these technologies can make a revolution in the overall working of the IT sector and can prove to bring more positive and profitable results.

❑ Prioritizing Cybersecurity : In this digital technological world, cyberthreats are rapidly increasing day-by-day so, there is a vital need of cybersecurity to safeguard the confidentiality of the business. It includes measures like strong passwords, encryption, regular data backup, timely software updates and providing employees with training regarding the same. With the rise in technology and remote work, the need for cybersecurity has increased for the security of data as well as the devices which are being used. By prioritizing cybersecurity, the digital life of the business can be saved from going into the hands of people with unauthorized access and being a victim of cyber threats. 

❑ Focusing more on soft skills : Focusing more on soft skills means putting more emphasis on the personal qualities of a person that can actually make him/her good at helping others. These skills might include communication, active listening, time management, collaboration, patience, continuous learning, problem solving, and many more. In context to an IT sector, this means that having only the technical skills required to perform your desired job/task cannot make one outshine amongst others but one(IT professional) must possess other soft skills as well in order to provide more positive, reliable, seamless and customer-centric experiences to their users.

❑ Self-service options : Having self-service options are just like having DIY kits for fixing some or the other sort of issues. This empowers the users to find solutions for their respective technical issues independently instead of relying just on the IT professionals for their assistance/help. Providing the users with the self-service options may include chatbots, video tutorials, easy-to-understand guides, list of FAQs, etc., that can actually help the users to resolve their common problems on their own. This not only saves time but also gives the users a sense of having a good control over their device. On the other hand, it can help the IT professionals to focus on the complex tasks.

With a rapid change in the technological trends, the IT sector is still making a revolutionized change in the business world. With a rise in remote work, the integration of Artificial Intelligence, by prioritizing cybersecurity and enhancing the soft skills can make a major impact on the IT infrastructure of the upcoming year. Moreover the virtual IT support along with the self-service options made available for the users can make a huge difference in context to saving time and resources. This can lead to a much smoother working environment of the IT sector with an enhanced and an efficient digital landscape.