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How Snowflake Consulting Service Has Dominated the Market Differently ?

Role of Snowflake Consulting Service


What are the Traditional Datawarehouses?


Limitations of Traditional Datawarehouses

a) Scalability issues

b) Data integration and ETL complexity

c) Maintenance issues

d) Lack of real time processing

e) Cost concerns

Emergence of Snowflake


Unique Features of Snowflake

• Time travel

• Zero copy cloning

• Automatic query optimisation

• Compute and Storage are Independent

• Automatic query caching

Need for specialised expertise/skills to manage Snowflake

➤ Complex Data Integration

➤ Advanced Analytics

➤ Optimised Performance

➤ Security and Compliance

What Does the Future of Snowflake Look Like & The Growing Demand for Snowflake Consulting Services?