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Run Modern Business on Latest Technology

Himcos follows well defined process to modernize businesses and make them data-driven

Prepare your business for AI adoption

AheadDiscover AI Use Case

You will align the technology with business strategies. It ensures that AI initiatives are focused and measurable, leading to better resource allocation

⦾ Turning Data into valuable resource for insights and training
⦾ Benchmarking the outcome of AI integration against expectations
⦾ Creating AI, ML and NLP Integration Opportunities
⦾ Building GPT Assistant for business application


Clear Feature Backlog

You will ship features in an MVP approach. A backlog can hinder the smooth transition to AI. Clearing it ensures that the AI systems have the most current and relevant data to work with

⦾ Agile development with MVP approach
⦾ Implementing critical Compliances practices
⦾ Upgrading the codebase to latest version of coding framework
⦾ Shipping features faster as an MVP approach

ImpactData Transformation

You will remove inaccuracies, duplicate data and irrelevant information. Use clean data to get validated samples, enhances the AI’s learning process and performance

⦾ Remove Irrelevant & duplicate Data
⦾ Feature engineering from existing data
⦾ Detect & resolve Outlier data points
⦾ Select data model based on AI goals
⦾ In-depth documentation of each decision
⦾ Create multiple models and cross verify

No more lengthy planning or tedious approval processes. Maintain critical functionality and make space for innovation


Updates for business apps are bundles of improvements, enhancements, and new features designed to address specific challenges or needs within your app. These updates can benefit your company by improving usability, enhancing security, increasing performance, and keeping your app relevant in a competitive market.

Setting AI Goals involves aligning technology with your business strategies. By doing so, you ensure that AI initiatives are focused, measurable, and directly contribute to your organizational success. Clear goals lead to better resource allocation and a higher likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.

Clearing backlog is crucial for a smooth transition to AI systems. When you ship features using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach, you eliminate accumulated backlog. This ensures that AI systems work with the most current and relevant data, improving their performance and accuracy.

Cleaning app data involves removing inaccuracies, duplicates, and irrelevant information from your application’s dataset. By doing this, you obtain the most recent and reliable data, which significantly enhances the AI’s learning process and overall performance.

Aligning AI technology with business strategies requires understanding your organization’s goals. We assess how AI can support those goals, identify relevant use cases, and create a roadmap for implementation.

High Impact Updates solve Value Crises for Struggling Business Apps

Simplify your requirements to define an early strategy