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Data-Ecosystem for your Business

Data Management Strategy to unlock your data from legacy database, break free from limitations of data exports and limited Data analytics
data transformation

Data management cleans and unifies your information, ensuring accuracy and compliance. Use your data to deliver exceptional customer experiences and make agile decisions. Gain valuable insights, mitigate risks and boost operational efficiency with our comprehensive data governance strategy

Let us revolutionize your data environment


Data Transformation

You will be importing large, variety data files from multiple sources into a single, storage medium which could be a clous based data warehouse, data lake or data lakehouse, where it can be accessed and analyzed.
You will get cleaner, more usable data! Data transformation removes errors, inconsistencies, and incompatible formats, making your data ready for analysis and modeling. Get better results, easier analysis and data-driven decision making

Change-Data Capture

Traditionally, ETL processes involved copying entire datasets from source systems, like databases, to data warehouses for analysis. Change Data Capture (CDC) revolutionized ETL by focusing on capturing only the new or modified data since the last update.This approach significantly reduces data transfer volumes and processing time, making ETL processes more efficient and responsive to real-time changes.

Data Annotation

Data annotation is simply adding labels or explanations to data. These labels make it easier for machine learning algorithms to understand and use the information. Himcos provides a cost-effective and scalable Data Annotation solution that streamlines the development process and ensures high-quality results. Our solutions also supports a wide range of data types and applications, enhancing the versatility and effectiveness of machine learning models.

Post-Merger consolidation

Data annotation is simply adding labels or explanations to data. These labels make it easier for machine learning algorithms to understand and use the information. Himcos provides a cost-effective and scalable Data Annotation solution that streamlines the development process and ensures high-quality results

clear backlogs

Medical Center breaks Information Silos

10+ partners | 20+ Nationalities | 5+ super speciality

Our customers are achieving MORE

supply-chain (1)

ChangeData Capturing for Supply Chain Business

Enabling CDC in Azure SQL | Fetch and Display on PowerBI

trusted globally

❝ Himcos is a reliable partner, Anuj at Himcos is easily approachable. They ensure timely delivery with quick turnaround. ❞
David Sauer
Head of KOPFSPRINGER Consulting


Updates for business apps are bundles of improvements, enhancements, and new features designed to address specific challenges or needs within your app. These updates can benefit your company by improving usability, enhancing security, increasing performance, and keeping your app relevant in a competitive market.

Setting AI Goals involves aligning technology with your business strategies. By doing so, you ensure that AI initiatives are focused, measurable, and directly contribute to your organizational success. Clear goals lead to better resource allocation and a higher likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.

Clearing backlog is crucial for a smooth transition to AI systems. When you ship features using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach, you eliminate accumulated backlog. This ensures that AI systems work with the most current and relevant data, improving their performance and accuracy.

Aligning AI technology with business strategies requires understanding your organization’s goals. We assess how AI can support those goals, identify relevant use cases, and create a roadmap for implementation.

High Impact Updates solve Value Crises for Struggling Business Apps

Simplify your requirements to define an early strategy